Part 34: CH28: The Tragedy of Bad Scaling, and that Other Thing
CH28: The Tragedy of Bad Scaling, and that Other Thing

He also left me with a little message.
Jude may come after us. Deal with him as you wish.

So this fight is kind of a pain, mostly due to the difficulty slider affecting how the staggering mechanic works. How easy it is to break the "iron stance" of a boss is effected by how high their Vitality is versus how high your Strength is. The difference in Ivar's vitality between normal and hard is about 2/3 of Jude's entire strength. You can see the problem. Since strength doesn't scale very well for me (IIRC it's quite rare for equipment to alter it directly), this can create a massive problem, where Moderate is too easy but Hard is "me being stunlocked constantly". TLDR I'd rather be playing Graces. Even Solomus couldn't just prance around for whole seconds while we beat on him.

So I make two mistakes here, counting "playing on Hard" as a mistake. The second is focusing Ivar down first, despite the Wyvern having 25k more max HP than him.

Since the last fight, he's learned an Arcane Arte called Crushing Eagle.

It has a good area of effect, but we're actually passively resisting most elements just from skills. The wyvern's charge right after drops Jude and Leia. It's pretty annoying when they both gang up on Jude. I'm pretty sure the Wyvern uses standard NPC AI, but Ivar has a hate-on for Jude.

The wyvern can spit clouds of poison, which linger in the area.

So this is what I meant earlier by it being a mistake to focus Ivar, he's a lot smaller, a lot dodgier, and as you can see here it took a goddamn linked arte to break his Iron Stance.

Soulstoke Spin is Leia's Arcane Arte, it ignites the edges of the staff with energy, then spins it around smacking dudes.

Arcane Arte means Mystic Arte! Here's Leia's, Soulstoke Celebration.

It starts out a lot like Soulstoke Spin, but keeps going.

...into a diving attack...

...that cracks the goddamn earth.

Ivar has an Arcane Arte AND an overlimit, that means...

Could be worse.

I tried to pull off Elize's Mystic Arte, but couldn't quite get it to go off for some reason or another. Maybe next update.

See that purple flame over Ivar's head? We managed to inflict a status ailment on a boss with our elemental attacks. Pop the goddamn champaign.

His tendency to attack Jude means he misses the opportunity to kill either Rowen or Elize here.

Homing Venom kicks people and then poisons that area? Weird.

Dammit Elize/Rowen, I wanted that Linked Arte trigger. It's like Muzet's gravity well, except with a bigger opportunity cost if the enemy decides to, say, run out of it.

After he goes down the wyvern is pretty easy.

If I really were special, then maybe I might have actually been able to save her.


Let's go.

So that rug right next to the "Save" prompt is covering the door that leads to the path to the Hallowmont. But first, we have an appointment in town.

Once I get some real money I'm going to work on that whole "difficulty" thing. Every single item there is difficulty-destroying. All those herbs let me turn gold directly into stat points. I'm not sure there's any other Tales game that lets you straight buy Hourglasses.

But first, new armor!
Skit Video: A Handmaid's Pride

But, if we could have done it in a civilized fashion, it would've been nice to sit down and talk for once.

And yet you never answer me! Why?! Why?! Why?!
Why have you forsaken me?

We must hurry on.

Skit Video: Muzét Adrift

You don't know what you're supposed to do. You lose what little confidence you have in yourself.

Hey pimple! How'd it feel when your buddy here shot you?

We will not be so easily stopped. I must help Jude meet with Maxwell.

They have the ability to live their lives as true adults.

Isn't that right, Alvin?

Clean out that earwax 'cause I'll only say it once. I won't turn against His Highness!

When everyone else treated us like scum, he took us in. He allowed us by his side.

But not even you will get past us!

So as a Chimaeriad fight, these two will spend a lot of time linked. Since they're both casters, that means they'll also stand next to each other. At least there's no penalty for hitting people with an element they resist.

Fire Djinn will periodically spawn in. I think they stop doing so if Agria goes down.

I hate it when enemies use Flame Ring, it makes me stand there waiting.

Raging Mist is Agria and Presa's Linked Arte, it combines water and fire damage as shown there. I think it first appeared as a spell Genis used in Symphonia.

Also they spam it nonstop sometimes.

Dragonmare Head summons a blue dragon head from Presa's book, which breaths out a torrent of water. It's an Arcane Arte, so watch out.

Agria seems to be way worse at pulling off the bullshit "never get interrupted" thing previous bosses did. I guess because she and Presa aren't giant Vitality tanks or something.

Of course, I say that and now she's tanking multiple weakness hits without losing Iron Stance.

Agria's Flare Bomb appears to have multiple hits all at once.

Thanks, Mystic Arte cutin, for giving us that view of Presa's chest.

Dragonmare Brood sends out a pair of dragon spirits or something to pass through us and cause damage.

I'm not 100% sure on the shape of its AOE, but note Jude and Elize being totally fine.

I switch in Rowen but I can't get his Mystic Arte to go off, not sure why.

Agria's Mystic Arte is still a thing.

Between our new armor and the fact that we're passively reducing damage from basically all elements by a fair chunk from the skill system, it's actually pretty hard for them to kill even one of us. That was a Mystic Arte that hit 3 people and couldn't kill (or knock to one hp) one of them.

Each time they Link, it transfers some HP from the higher one to the lower one, so Agria won't outlive Presa by much.

One down, one to go.

She's mostly there already.

For thematic reasons, I'm controlling Alvin.

Foxtail Fury actually attacks with the tail.

Alvin and Leia don't actually have too many Linked Artes it turns out.

Rowen has a skill called "Opportune Moment" on the last ring of his second Lillium Orb. It causes time to stop for the enemy when he backsteps with "perfect timing". It is goddamn the best.

Hell Fryer is Alvin's Arcane Arte, so you know what that means.

This part looks a little like Leia's MA.

I like how it persists onto the battlefield for a few frames.

I'm pretty sure her Guardian Field actually heals for LESS than ours. Note the swirlies on Alvin and Leia, that's motherfucking Charm from Foxtail Fury. She shook her hips at us so hard it caused us to switch sides. Nothing a Dispel can't cure, thankfully.

I'm glad we could be together again even if it was only for a little while.

I've got you! Now just hold on!

Some things in this world you just can't fix, no matter how hard you keep trying to!

I've lost count of all the times you've saved me because of it.

You should go try and cheer up Alvin. You're the only one who can.

But, it's what I do best. It's my only real strength.

He really hates me now, doesn't he?

Skit Video: Alvin's Apology

So uh. People talk about the game getting rushed, and that definitely felt like "welp gotta wrap those stories up now now now" to me. It really doesn't feel cathartic and I'm not sure we know them well enough to be properly sad.
I mean, compare it to the deaths of the God Generals in Abyss. We spend way more time with them and they do way more heinous stuff. Even though we know their backstories, we're still more or less on the side of "fucking die, you omnicide-supporters". It's not like anyone we liked or even knew was killed onscreen by those two.
On the other hand, we know barely anything about Presa other than "was an item with Alvin at one point". This game is just killing off its villains way too early.
So speaking of rushed, I bet there are only six more updates left in the entire game. Maybe one or two from Feinne, to tie up loose ends.